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English - Reading

Reading at Burrowmoor:

Our aims:

To support the teaching of reading in school by practising taught skills.

To promote a lifelong love of reading.

To involve parents and carers in their child’s reading journey.

How is reading taught in the school day?

Throughout their time at Burrowmoor Primary Academy, we want all pupils to develop a real interest in books. During the school day, pupils are exposed to a wide range of different types of age-appropriate books.

Our pupils are encouraged to develop their reading skills in different ways, such as reading with an adult and in group reading sessions, as well as in lessons across the curriculum where they are encouraged to use their reading skills.

Children have access to their class mini-library throughout the day, as well as the whole school library, where they can choose from a selection of fiction and non-fiction books. 

EYFS and Key Stage 1

Children learn the skills and knowledge needed to read words through our phonics scheme – Floppy’s Phonics. Through this systematic teaching of phonics, the children rapidly learn the corresponding letter-sounds and are supported to use this knowledge to blend the sounds to read words and then sentences.  The children take home books that are very closely matched to the sounds and words they have learned. These are chosen by the class teacher. Once the children have become proficient, confident readers, they are supported to choose a book for themselves from an appropriate selection. All children also take home a book chosen by themselves to read and / or share with an adult.

Key Stage 2

As children move into Year 3 and beyond, reading continues to be a focus.  Children spend time during the day reading as part of their reading lessons, as well as using their reading knowledge and skills to support learning in other areas of the curriculum. 

Once they enter KS2, children are moved to the Accelerated Reader (AR) Program where they can choose books to read from a wide selection at a level appropriate to their reading age and skill proficiency. (See below for a Parents' Guide to AR) Teachers track reading book levels via book quizzes, which the children take once they have finished reading a book. Those who are not yet fluent readers continue to be supported with the skills of segmenting and blending the sounds to read the words. 

What you can do at home?

Please spend time each day listening to your child read. This will help them practise the skills they are learning in class. 

For our older pupils, please encourage them to read the book they bring home from school.

Children of all ages benefit from being listened to, as well as listening to others reading. As well as the books brought home, we would ask that you read other texts and genres to them; newspapers, letters, comics, recipes, menus, fiction etc.  We want our children to love reading but also understand the purpose behind it. 

For more information and support from the Book Trust - click on the link below.