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School Council


At Burrowmoor Primary Academy, our School Council is an important part of our school. It allows the pupils to have their say about different matters which affect our school, well-being and our learning.  Every pupil has the right to express their ideas and to have a student voice.

Our School Council is made up of representatives from across the school.

Year 6 children have the roles of:

  • Chair
  • Vice chair
  • Secretary
  • Vice Secretary  

In addition, there are class representatives from each class from Year 1 to Year 6. In Year 1 -6, children are elected democratically by the peers in their class.

We the school council of Burrowmoor Primary:

Pledge the following

· We will work our hardest for our friends at our school to make the biggest difference that we can.

· We will help our teachers to continue to battle behaviour

· We will work with our friends to be buddies and support children who are struggling at lunch and break time.

· We will help our friends to be happy to come to school.

· We will fundraise to help improve our school facilities

· We will be positive representatives of our school


House Captains

House Captains have been chosen who will represent each of the Houses at different times throughout the year.